Meditation #1
Geleide Meditatie: Riemke de Groot
Je kunt je eigen manier van meditatie, gebed of contemplatie gebruiken, of werken met een van de 10 minuten audio's die hier worden aangeboden. Deze begeleide oefeningen zijn bedoeld om eerst te ontspannen en dan verder te gaan naar diepe innerlijke stilte, van waaruit liefde, mededogen en empathie uitstralen.
“I enjoy sending compassionate thoughts to the world and all living things every week. It is easy and fun too.”
“I find taking up to sixty minutes every week to focus on compassion and love for a world in dire need of healing to be quite nourishing.”
"The world needs all the love and compassion it can get. It is the only power that can show us our common bonds with each other and all of life; so it pleases me to participate each week in this act of caring.”
“Knowing that once a week people of many cultures all over the world are thinking of each other with a unified consciousness of love excites me.”
"Over the globe, like-hearted people are gathering to create a wave of love and peace that can comfort our world. Participating in this community of practice every Sunday centers my intentions and fills my heart for the week.”